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January Planning Meeting


Date: Thursday, January 6th, 2022 Time: 6:00 pm via Zoom (Meeting will open 10 minutes early)

Zoom Link: Link to Register

Agenda & Dec Minutes: Link to Review

First off, thank you to everyone who came to our December bonfire! It was great seeing so many faces in person as opposed to just on a screen! Though Omicron has delayed our plans to meet in person, we look forward to the day we can meet regularly in person again! To those who couldn't make it, we missed you! We hope everyone had a relaxing and joyful holiday season.

PBDC in 2022: The Issues that Matter to our Members - Join us for an open forum in which we discuss what issues, speakers, and actions we want to focus on in 2022. Our January 2021 meeting helped frame a great year, and we hope to do it again, especially in this election year!

We hope you can make it to our first meeting of 2022! Join us for an open forum in which we discuss what issues, speakers, and actions we want to focus on in 2022. Our January 2021 meeting helped frame a great year, and we hope to do it again, especially in this election year!

New Year, New Member Dues!

Your membership with the club makes sure that you are directly linked to all of the exciting, important, and critical work your fellow members and sister organizations are doing at the local, county, state, and national level to promote Democratic values and principles. Join or renew your membership today. Email us if you have any questions. *Please note - if you want to be eligible to vote on endorsements and Club actions, you need to be a member in good standing. This means paying your dues!* Dues are collected at the beginning of each calendar year.


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