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Less Than a Week To Go + Next Meeting Nov. 5th

Hello PB Dems - Can you believe we're just less than one week away from Election Day? We know your inboxes and minds must be full, so just a quick reminder that we are still having our monthly meeting in November, which falls on Thursday, Nov. 5, just two days after the election.


Date: Thursday, November 5th

Time: 6:00pm (the Zoom will open 15-20 minutes prior for social time)

Where: Zoom!

We'll hold a recap of the election, hopefully celebrate a lot of wins, have some social time, and play a game or two. A finalized agenda will be sent out with another reminder email prior to the call next week.

PBDC Officer Elections in December

Looking to get more involved with PB Dems and your local community? Interested in taking an elected role with the Club? In December's meeting we will conduct our annual officer elections. Elected positions include:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

Please contact us at if you're interested in any of the positions above or have any questions. Please note - you can also join the Club's executive board in a non-elected role (social media, programs, etc.). Reach out to us to learn more!

And lastly, looking to volunteer in the last week before the election? Let's leave it all out on the field! Here are a few of our suggestions of campaigns/groups to volunteer with:

Thanks, all! Onward!

Member Dues

Your membership with the club makes sure that you are directly linked to all of the exciting, important, and critical work your fellow members and sister organizations are doing at the local, county, state, and national level to promote Democratic values and principles. Join or Renew your membership today. Email us if you have any questions.  *Please note - if you want to be eligible to vote on endorsements and Club actions, you need to be

a member in good standing. This means paying your dues!* Dues are collected at the beginning of each calendar year.


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