Special Meeting January 20, 2022

Hello, PB Dems! Don't forget to review the candidate endorsement questionnaires and get ready for a great meeting tomorrow evening!
Our club will be hosting our 2022 D2 Candidate Club Forum and Endorsement Special Meeting at 6 p.m. TOMORROW, Thursday, January 20th, 2022, via Zoom. If you haven't already, please register to attend at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvc-GqrjMqH9KMxlKCov7GUbOVF3NMxCsk In order to give membership an opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the candidates ahead of time, an endorsement questionnaire was distributed to each candidate. Each candidate’s response to the questionnaire is pasted in a Google Document, here. We invite you to take the time to review these responses and look over their websites and social media pages ahead of the forum. In alphabetical order, these candidates include:
(Incumbent) Jennifer Campbell, MD
Dr. Joel Day
Lori Saldaña
The scheduled outline of the forum is as follows:
5-minute opening statements
Following each candidate’s statement, 3 questions are allowed from voting members. These will be first-come, first-served, prioritizing members who have not yet asked questions.
After each candidate has given their opening statement and answered their 3 questions, membership has the opportunity to ask general questions to be answered by all 3 candidates. In the interest of time, this will be limited to 5 questions.
Candidates will be sent to a separate Zoom breakout room while candidates are discussed by members.
Candidates will then be allowed back into the main Zoom room. Voting will take place via Google forms and the results will be tallied and the club position will be announced.
As always, this forum will be run fairly and respectfully. With that in mind, we are hoping to limit the use of the chat to relevant points of order and information, rather than commentary, as this can be distracting for the purposes of the forum.
So looking forward to hearing from the candidates, as well as you all!