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July Meeting -Date Change and City Councilmembers

Please join us in July for our General Club Meeting. This month only, due to the Independence Day Holiday, we will be meeting on the second Thursday of the month.

Date: Thursday, July 11, 2019

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Oakmont of Pacific Beach

955 Grand Ave, 3rd Floor

San Diego, CA 92109

Monica Montgomery

Chris Ward

Our July featured speakers include District Councilmember Monica Montgomery (who was not able to come last month) and Councilmember & State Assembly candidate Chris Ward.


Annual Summer Picnic August 4, 2019 PBDC Summer Picnic in August - Our annual summer picnic will be held on Sunday, August 4th, 12-3pm at Kate Sessions Park in PB. Come have fun in the sun and eat some BBQ with your fellow members. (The picnic is in lieu of the August meeting.)


Membership Dues Reminder

Your membership with the club makes sure that you are directly linked to all of the exciting, important, and critical work your fellow members and sister organizations are doing at the local, county, state, and national level to promote Democratic values and principles. Join or Renew your membership today. Email us if you have any questions. *Please note - if you want to be eligible to vote on endorsements and Club actions, you need to be a member in good standing. This means paying your dues!* You are also welcome to pay the renewal/annual fee in person at the next club meeting on July 11th.

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