June 2020 General Membership Meeting via Zoom
Hello PB Dems - We had a great time on our last Zoom meeting, and are looking forward to doing it all again in June. Here are the details for our next meeting: Date: Thursday, June 4th, 2020 Time: 6:00 pm (meeting will start promptly; please join as early as 5:45pm so that we can get started on time)
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclduytqD0qGNY5bGmXlp_lcMpMGqTUw7XX Meeting Agenda/Featured Speakers:

Representative Scott Peters will be our first speaker for June's Club meeting. Rep. Peters is the Congressional Representative for the 52nd District, which includes parts of San Diego, Poway, and Coronado. Rep. Peters will discuss the Congressional response to COVID-19, upcoming legislation, November elections, and other topics. We're excited to welcome him back!

Christian Stevens is a MD/PhD Candidate in the Benhur Lee Lab at Mount Sinai in New York City. Since joining the Lab in 2018, he has pursued research in the fields of viral engineering and bioinformatics. He is also a member of the Health Policy Program (LHP), contributing to public policy related to public health with his research expertise. He is now working on COVID-19-related research and publishing it in order to help inform the public.
Christian is a new speaker for the club and we're excited that he's joining us from the East Coast to discuss both scientific and public policy-related aspects of the pandemic. For more background on Christian and what we'll be discussing, please see the following links: Articles Christian has authored and co-authored with his lab to inform the public on COVID-19: https://leelabvirus.host/covid19/ Podcast episode in which Christian and his advisor, Dr. Benhur Lee, speak about debunking the theory that Coronavirus is man-made: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/dvheexn We’re looking forward to seeing everyone next week! Please remember to register in advance, and as always, contact us with any questions at pbdc92109@gmail.com.
Political Action Items
San Diegans for Justice - Support the Proposed Ballot Measure to create an Independent Commission on Police Practices: Write your City Council Representative (Jen Campbell if you're in D2) to express support for the San Diegans for Justice ballot measure to create an independent Commission on Police Practices. PB Democratic Club voted last year to endorse and support this measure, and we highly encourage you to take this action. San Diegans for Justice has made the process for this very simple as well. Please see the following link: https://mailchi.mp/sandiegansforjustice/cityhall San Diego County Democratic Party - Digital Activism 101 Training Series: The County Party is hosting this training series by Party staff alongside campaign pros who specialize in digital engagement. If you missed the Introduction to Digital Activism Zoom meeting, you can still attend the next two sessions:
Remote Voter Engagement - Thursday, June 4, 5pm RSVP Here (Don't forget to head over to the PB Dems Zoom at 6pm!): Familiarize yourself with remote voter engagement tools like peer-to-peer texting, relational organizing, and remote group phonebanking. Learn how to use these tools to support campaigns and candidates.
Holding Virtual Events - Thursday, June 11, 5pm RSVP Here: Fundraisers, meet-and-greets, and group trainings are now taking the form of meetings online. Pick up some best practices for organizing your own virtual campaign events with friends, neighbors, and fellow volunteers.
COVID-19 Resources and How to Help: San Diego County Democratic Party – Resource Guide for Coping with COVID-19 Effects: This page includes links to: County and State Coronavirus Updates; Food Delivery and Assistance; Senior Care; Rent and Utilities Assistance; Mental Health; Other Healthcare; Employment; Small Business Assistance; School: Food Distribution and Remote Learning; Your Federal Representatives; Basic Information and Prevention; and Additional Resources. https://sdcdp.ngpvanhost.com/resource-guide-coping-covid-19-effects Hotel Vouchers 4 All: Check out the good work our friends over at Hotel Vouchers 4 All are doing and donate if you’re able. Facebook: @hotelvouchers4all or https://www.facebook.com/hotelvouchers4all Fundly 501c3 donations: https://fundly.com/hotel-vouchers-4-all GoFundMe : https://www.gofundme.com/f/hotelvouchers4all San Diego Blood Bank: Donating blood is a safe and very effective way to help your community. Set up an appointment here: https://www.sandiegobloodbank.org/ Support Local Businesses: Discover PB keeps an updated list of which local PB businesses are open, as well as their hours and operations. https://pacificbeach.org/covid-19-business-info/ Stay well, PB Dems!