Assemblymember Chris Ward Joins Us in May!

Mark your calendars for our next meeting on May 6th!
Date: Thursday, May 6th
Time: 6:00 pm via Zoom (Meeting will open 10 minutes early)
You can view the agenda for our May meeting and meeting minutes from April's meeting by clicking here.
Our upcoming meeting will focus on three main components:
1. An update from Sacramento from our 78th District Assemblymember Chris Ward. Assemblymember Ward is a longtime club member and was previously the District 3 San Diego City Councilmember before being elected to the State Assembly in 2020. Note: The Assemblymember will lead off right at 6 pm to accommodate scheduling, so please arrive a little early for this meeting!
2. A club vote to officially support the PrOTECT ordinance. This is following Christie Hill, Deputy Advocacy Director for ACLU, speaking to the club at our April meeting about the effect of pretext police stops on San Diegans of color. On April 13th, City Council heard from the researcher of the Campaign Zero report Evaluating Policing in San Diego. Find more information about PrOTECT here.
Note: If you are unaware of your status as a member in good standing and therefore your eligibility to vote, please reach out to club leadership by replying to this email.
3. An update on our soon-to-be Balboa Avenue Transit Station from Senior Project Engineer John Dorow, and updates from the PB Parking Advisory Committee by Chair Regina Sinsky-Crosby! Listen up to be informed on transportation projects going on in our backyard!
As always, please feel free to email us with any questions.
See you next week, PB Dems!