August Annual Picnic is Back!
As we've done in past years, in place of our formal August meeting, we're holding a summer picnic at Kate Sessions Park! The club will be providing pizza and refreshments. Members are welcome to bring a dessert to share with the group.
Date: Saturday, August 13th Time: 12 - 3pm
Location: Kate Sessions Park (northwest corner of the park, by the picnic tables)
Please RSVP by responding to this email (or contacting an E-Board member)
Interested in keeping PBDC going? The club is in danger of dissolving due to lack of willing club leaders. If you're interested, please speak with an e-board member about a potential role in club leadership! Your 2022 E-Board
2021 Dues Have Lapsed--Renew Today!
Your membership with the club makes sure that you are directly linked to all of the exciting, important, and critical work your fellow members and sister organizations are doing at the local, county, state, and national level to promote Democratic values and principles. Join or renew your membership today. Email us if you have any questions. *Please note - if you want to be eligible to vote on endorsements and Club actions, you need to be a member in good standing. This means paying your dues!* Dues are collected at the beginning of each calendar year.