One Month Out - Vote No on Republican Recall
As you all are aware, the Republican effort to recall Governor Gavin Newsom has forced a recall election next month on Tuesday, September 14th. This is a brazen attempt to steal the state's top seat the only way they are competitive anymore: in what they hope is a chaotic, low-turnout recall election. However, we are as organized as ever, and it is up to club's like ours to ensure voters know to SAY NO TO THE REPUBLICAN RECALL!
Following up from our July meeting, please review the info below on how you can get informed and involved:
1. Make a plan to VOTE NO ON THE RECALL (Question #1 on the ballot)! All registered California voters will receive mail-in ballots for the recall election, but you may still vote in-person (if you do, remember to bring your mail-in ballot with you). Whatever your plan, make sure you fill-in "No" to the first question and say no to the Republican recall!
Last day to register to vote: August 30th (conditional registration after)
Election day: Tuesday, September 14 (in-person voting 9/11-14)
Sign up to track your mail-in ballot at:
2. Join the SD County Democratic Party for door hanger drops, a phone bank, or text bank over the next few weeks! The County Party is hosting Days of Action, phone banks, and text banks throughout the weeks leading up to the recall. Go to to learn more and sign up!
3. Volunteer to sign up as a "hub" for a SDCDP "Day of Action" by reaching out to local GOTV leader and E-Board member Dina Feldman-Scarr! You can assist by volunteering yourself and your house to serve as a local “hub” where the volunteers can pick up their map and door hangers. Email with your street address and zip code if you could help on Saturday, August 21st or Saturday, August 28th!
4. Visit the Stop the Republican Recall website to learn more about the statewide campaign and to donate! filled with resources regarding who is truly behind the recall efforts and how Democrats are organizing statewide to stop them!
As always, please reach out to us with any questions or if you know of any other ways to get involved! Stay tuned for reminder emails as we get closer to the election!
- Your 2021 PBDC E-Board