September's Here -General Meeting Sept. 1, 2022
Please join us on Thursday for our September meeting! We have two speakers joining us to talk about SD Audubon's effort to "ReWild Mission Bay" and Rebecca Kanter's campaign for Superior Court Judge.
Date: Thursday, September 1st Time: 6:00 pm via Zoom Zoom Link: Agenda:
Meeting Highlights:
"ReWild[ing] Mission Bay - Andrew Meyer, Director of Conservation with the San Diego Audubon Society, will talk about recent news in their campaign to restore northern Mission Bay's marsh and other habitat. Excitingly, the city has recently committed to including 700 acres of salt marsh restoration in its Climate Action Plan!
Kanter for Judge! - Pacific Beach's own Rebecca Kanter, J.D., is running for Superior Court Judge Seat 35. She's offered to help inform the group about the Superior Court and judiciary (including the difference between appointment vs. election, departmental assignments for new judges, and answer questions). She'll of course also talk about her own campaign!
P.S. Thanks again to Rebecca for attending our August club picnic!
Speaking of summer picnic, thanks to everyone who came out to Kate Sessions a few weekends ago to join us! We missed all of you who couldn't attend! Here's a snapshot of some of the crew enjoying the beautiful summer day! As a reminder, we are looking for club members to run for our elected positions for next year! Please reach out if you are interested or know other who might be! We need folks to run to keep PBDC going! See you Thursday!
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